seximal calendar

disclaimer: in this page i will be talking about western culture mainly, because that is the one i am most familiar with

the calendar we use is kinda wonky when you think about it!

think about this: how long is a month? depending on the type of person you are, you either answered 30 days, 31 days, 28/30/31 days, 4 weeks, 1/12 of year, or "idk im 3". all of these are completely different from each other, yet still kinda correct in a loose way!

have you ever wanted to split your week into 2, or 3 equal parts? oops well i guess you cant really do that neatly because we all unanimously decided that grouping by a prime number is the best way to divide time...

o! hold on everyone, i dont have next year's calendar, how the hell am i gonna know what day of the week it is without? yea, because obviously those arent consistent across years

why do months have different lenghts? why are weeks such an awkward number of days long? and really, why does nobody care?

calendars are something we literally use daily, and it feels to me like a waste to use such a suboptimal system. i mean, we did such a good job with the way we tell time within the day, with the SI and the entire metric system!

new! calendar! new!! calendar!!!

someone obviously alraedy thought of this (learn more)